Laatste concerten van Chris Simpson - Magna Carta

09-08-2013 @ 21:23

Singer-songwriter Chris Simpson heeft besloten te stoppen met optredens, dat is dan vooral vanwege de problemen met zijn arm. De in september 2013 geplande optredens in Nederland zijn dan ook de LAATSTE optredens van Magna Carta. Het is dus echt de allerlaatste keer dat je Magna Carta In Concert kunt meemaken.

Naast Chris kun je dan genieten van Wendy Ross (viool) en Laurens Joensen (alles wat snaren heeft). Omdat de laatste tournee bestaat uit twee optredens in Drenthe en een in Zuid-Limburg en dat dit voor velen van jullie wellicht betekent dat de afstand huis -> concertlocatie nogal groot is, is wellicht het optreden op maandag 9 september een goed alternatief, dit optreden is in het Beauforthuis in Austerlitz, vlakbij Zeist. Omdat de capaciteit van deze zaal beperkt is, raden we jullie aan om op korte termijn een of meer tickets te reserveren via de website van de zaal.

Uiteraard zijn jullie (ook) van harte welkom bij de optredens in Drenthe en Heerlen. Ook hiervoor geldt dat het geen megagrote zalen zijn, dus liefst tijdig van tevoren reserveren, om teleurstelling te voorkomen!

06 sep. Dwingeloo, Brink Theater.

09 sep. Austerlitz, Beauforthuis.

21 sep. Heerlen, Parkstad Theater.

22 sep. Ekehaar (tussen Assen en Grolloo), Het Hek Van De Dam Theater.

meer info:

YouTube link Walk Away From Heaven,



Hi, there everyone,

I hope as we near the end of the Summer, you are each and all splendidly well, - and if not why not?

So. Many of you will have had a mail from me pointing out that the four shows in Holland in September will be the last. Maybe it's a shock and maybe you wonder why? Like can't I go on forever?

Well, there is more to life than that, and working on my book with Cathy up on the boat and both recovering from different operations, I figured time to make a turn.

As Canada proved, the stage act is just so good with Laurens and Wendy and although I am disappointed that the nerve in my arm has not responded, I still got rave guitar reviews in Canada.

So why?

Well, I love cutting wood and growing vegetables and mushrooming on the hills and shooting rabbits and the occasional pheasant. Ever the country boy. And the book is shaping up well too. And to be honest, I am looking forward to these shows very much, but the amount of organization that goes into it all, (having rounded half the world in the last year) and doing it myself, palls in the end. So I want time out.

However. The Fields of Eden which has been gestating for ten years now has an overture and a prelude. It changes all the time, as does a song of years back now re-arranged 'Walk away from Heaven'. This has blown them away and two Canadian artists already want to record it.

The album is waiting until October. I need to get the 1971 'Seasons' at the Albert Hall with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra out of Universal and my lawyer is on the case. They lost the tapes for 40 years. I found them. But I cannot have them they say and they are not going to do anything with them either. Bastards!!

If and when we get them out then the funds will be there to make the Fields of Eden album. Although thanks to PC's and downloading most record companies are gone, I do believe that this will slay the world.

Then, folks, the world will come looking for us rather than we have to go looking for them.

So that is about the size of it.

Hope you understand.

Oh, and go now, book your tickets and call up 500 friends each to go to the shows, then put on a J.J. Cale album in his glorious memory, open a bottle of chilled Chablis and the last one out is a sissy!!

With love and see you there, Chris.

P.S. Will be selling on the shows an album that has never been on CD. One of our more obscure ones it is called 'Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Underpants.' You'll love it!