FRESH 40 week 02

12-01-2007 @ 10:32

week 2 HOLLANDS NO. 1 DANCE CHART 9th year

01077jesselyn # contact silicon / midtown
02256abel ramos te quiero puta reset / astral
03205booty luv ** boogie 2 nite spinnin / astral
04nw1tiesto # flight 643 remix blackhole / news
05286the jaymen ** / # ooh la lishious white / astral
06nw1eric prydz vs floyd proper education spinnin / astral
072614camille jones the creeps flamingo / astral
08019a. van buuren/h. brood # saturday night armind/armada/astral
09nw1tiesto # lethal industry blackhole / news
10028roy gates ** / * / # midnight sun dancevilla / astral
11057benjamin bates ** / # backtracking big& dirty / astral
12187carlo resoort # tom tom liquid / astral
13nw1leon bolier ft elsa hill * no need to come back asot / astral
140411jonas steur * second turn intuition/united/astral
15nw1chris lake * changes 541 / news
16217galen behr vs hydroid * carabella yakuza/united/astral
17335mr. puta green stuff dmw / astral
180814basement jaxx * / * take me back to your house V2 / news
19nw1olav basoski/romano # nu generation…. rootz / astral
20nw1marcel woods # accelerate high contrast/ astral

The Clubgroove: fish go deep **/* the cure and the cause dirtysoul / astral